Find everything you need for your Art Business here!
The most successful businesses are the ones that have the right tools at hand to make the most of opportunities, growing in the right way. We have crafted easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides that are tailored for Artists and Galleries to set up their businesses to maximize the most important elements in the art world: VALUE, IMPACT and REVENUE.
Our resources provide a blueprint for strategically positioning your art, making informed decisions, and effectively growing your art business.
"How to be an Artist" is a newsletter segment designed to reassure you that your creativity has a REAL PURPOSE. Your calling to be an artist is no accident! Whether you want to maximize your artistic potential for personal fulfillment or as a business, subscribe to our newsletter for weekly doses of encouragement and guidance. Embrace your journey as an artist and discover how to thrive in today’s world.
Weekly insights, motivation and business strategies for Artists who need guidance on what to do next in their career.